Women Empowerment cell is active in the college since 2005 to empower girl students, to enhance understanding of issues related to women and to make the college campus a safe place for women students and faculty members. With a view to taking up women’s issues and problems, the cell aims at creating awareness of their rights and duties. It also provides a platform for women to share their experiences and views regarding their status in the society and to suggest ways to improve and empower themselves. Aiming at intellectual and social upliftment of the female students, the cell stands for facilitating women’s empowerment through guest lectures, seminars, awareness programmes and other welfare activities. The responsibilities of the Women Empowerment Cell is to follow the Mandatory Guide lines and directions of the Anna University, Chennai, regarding the security arrangements for Girl Students and Women staff of our Institution
- To promote a culture of respect and equality for female gender.
- To conduct seminar, workshop to impart knowledge of opportunities and tools available and train the women.
- To create a conducive counseling environment for female gender to share their problems.
- Educating the teaching and non-teaching staffs and students towards gender sensitization.
- Counselling services.
- Provision of opportunities and programs for female gender to be mentally and emotionally empowered so as to promote their growth as individuals in their own right.
- Conducting various competitions to encourage their artistic talents for creative thinking
- Gender Audit
Instruction To The Girl Students
- Proper dress code should be followed. Body fit clothing, transparent or revealing outfits should be avoided. Salwar kameez with duppatta is advisable for girls.
- Sharing of mobile phone numbers with the unknown persons should be avoided.
- Harassment of any nature should be reported to the higher authorities for redressal.
- The 24 hour helpline desk made available for teaching and non-teaching staffs and students can be utilized for reporting any untoward incidents which cause physical / mental anguish.
Women Empowerment Cell Composition:
Sl. No. | Name | Category/Roll in the Committee | Designation |
1. | DR. SUJATHA JAMUNA ANAND | Ex-Officio Member | Principal |
2. | Dr. K.G. Revathi | Member Secretary | Professor & HOD/ECE |
3. | Dr. Immaculate Geetha | Member | Professor, S & H, |
4. | Dr.R.Suja Mani Malar | Member | Professor ECE |
5. | Ms. T. UdayaBanu | Member | Professor & HOD/CIVIL |
6. | Ms. Kavitha Dhas M | Member | Associate Professor, S & H |