DMI College of Engineering (DMICE), Chennai has established Science and Humanities Department when it started in the year 2001 with well- versed members of faculty. It initiated with an aim of providing a strong foundation in basic science and communication and it enable the students to be competent Engineers. The S&H block comprised with four departments such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English. The prime focus of the department is to provide a conceptual base in Basic Science which forms a foundation to the Engineering subjects. The department has been encouraging the conduct of workshops and seminars to enable the research. Considering the swift knowledge development and the technological changes, the department seeks to intensify itself by systemizing it with the Engineering departments for a profound knowledge in their field.
To groom the students to be engineers of excellence in their respective departments.
To give them all-round personality by trapping the technical innovations in the students and to make them face the ever growing global needs.

Professor and Head
Department of Science and Humanities
- Ph.D – Physics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, March 2017
- M.Phil – Physics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli November 2006.
- M.Sc – Physics, Pachaiyappa’s College for Men, Kanchipuram, University of Madras, October 1999
- B.Sc – Physics, Pachaiyappa’s College for Men, Kanchipuram, University of Madras, March 1997
- Professor and Head, DMI College of Engineering (Autonomous), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, July 2023 – Current,
- Associate Professor and Head, School of Arts and Science, VMU-AVIT Campus, January 2020 – May – 2023
- Associate Professor, Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Chennai, July 2017 – December 2019
Professional Memberships:
- Life Member, Indian Physics Association (IPA)
- Life Member, Indian Association of Nuclear Chemists and Allied Scientists (IANCAS)
- Executive Committee Member, Indian Society for Radiation Physics (ISRP)
- Research article reviewer – Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings
- Extract the marine and terrestrial natural products by Green chemistry process 202341035851 – Published on 16.06.2023
- Smart Charging Station for Electric Vehicles with Deep Learning-based Fast and Safe Charging Management System – Published on 04.08.2023
- Multiple Sensor Angle Measurement system employing top-down approach in embedded module – Published on 6.10.2023
- Nano-Catalyzed Synthesis of Heterocyclic Nitrogen-Oxygen Compounds with Antidiabetic Properties – Published on 09.08.2024
- Raghu, Y., J.Subashini, N.Harikrishnan, N.Jairaj, S.Manimegalai. 2023. Inference of Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk in soil samples of Tiruvannamalai District Tamilnadu, India using Gamma Ray Spectrometry. Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings Volume 344, June 2024, Pages 19-21.
- Nagaraju Perumal, Allen Moses Samuel, Raghu Yuvaraj, 2022. Enhanced UV‑Irradiated Photo catalytic Degradation of Malachite Green by Porous WO3 Decorated on 2D Graphene Sheet, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2022). DOI: 10.1007/s12010-022-03901-z PMID: 35394253
- S. E. Allen Moses, J. Johnson, P. Nagaraju, Y. Raghu, R. Shanmugavalli, 2022. Crystal engineering and physicochemical properties of L-cysteine cadmium chloride (LCC) for frequency doubling and optical limiting applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics volume 33, 1489–1502 (2022).
- Y.Raghu, J.Venkatamuthukumar, R.Ravisankar. 2020. Estimation of excess lifetime cancer risk in brick samples of Tiruvannamalai district Tamilnadu, India using gamma ray spectrometry, Materials Today: Proceedings 33 (2020) 3980–3983.
- Y.Raghu, J.Venkatamuthukumar, P.Nagaraju, S.E.AllenMoses. 2020. Assessment of excess lifetime cancer risk of sand samples used as building materials in Tiruvannamalai district, Tamil Nadu, India by gamma ray spectrometry, Materials Today: Proceedings 33 (2020) 3654–3657.
- Raghu, Y., Chandrasekaran, A., Ravisankar, R. 2020. Statistical analysis of natural radioactivity data of clay samples in Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, India. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 40 (3), 254-261.
- Balakrishnan J, Prakash N, Raghu Y, Study on Molecular Interaction of N, N Dimethylimidodicarbonimidic Diamide at 308K of Various Concentrations by Ultrasonic Method. Der Pharma Chemica, 10(8): 110-114 ISSN 0975-413X.
- M Tholkappian, G SenthiIkumar, Y Raghu, R Vijayakumar, R Ravisankar. 2018. Determination of radioactivity levels and radiation hazards in coastal sediment samples of Chennai Coast, Tamilnadu, using gamma ray spectrometry Proceedings of the twentieth National Symposium on Environment – challenges in energy resource management and climate change; Gujarat (India); 13-15 Dec 2018, 500 p; 2018; p. 445-446; NSE-20: 20.
- Raghu, Y., Ravisankar, R., Chandrasekaran, A., Vijayagopal, P., Venkatraman, B. 2017. Assessment of natural radioactivity and radiological hazards in building materials used in the Tiruvannamalai District, Tamilnadu, India, using a statistical approach. Journal of Taibah University for Science, 11, 523-533.
- Y Raghu, G Senthilkumar, KM Freny Joy, R Ravisankar, 2017. Measurement of natural radioactivity and radiological hazards in building materials used in Tandarai of Tiruvannamalai district, Tamilnadu, by Gamma ray spectrometry, 49 (9) 316 p;NCRP-2017 Proceedings of the National Conference on Radiation Physics
- Raghu, Y., Chandrasekaran, A., Selvapandiyan, M., Harikrishnan, N., Ravisankar, R. 2017. Natural Radioactivity measurement and radiological hazards of Sand Samples used as building materials in Tiruvannamalai district, Tamilnadu, India. International Journal of Materials Science, 12 (2), 335-344 ISSN 0973-4589.
- Mahalakshmi, S., Raghu, Y., Prasad, M.V.R., Sathpathy, K.K. 2016. Noise pollution survey, analysis in and around Chennai city. Asia pacific journal of research. I (XLIV), 70-76. ISSN-2320-5504.
- Raghu, Y., Ravisankar, R., Chandrasekaran, A., Vijayagopal, P, 2016. Assessment of natural radioactivity and radiological hazards in brick samples used in Tiruvannamalai district, Tamilnadu, India, with a statistical approach. Health Physics 111, (3), 265-280.
- Ravisankar, R., Raghu, Y., Chandrasekaran, A., Suresh Gandhi, M., Vijayagopal, P., Venkatraman. B. 2016. Determination of natural radioactivity and the associated radiation hazards in building materials used in Polur, Tiruvannamalai District, Tamilnadu, India using gamma ray spectrometry with statistical approach. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 163, 41–52.
- Raghu, Y., Ravisankar, R., Chandrasekaran, A., Vijayagopal, P, Venkatraman. B. 2016. Assessment of natural radioactivity in clay samples of Tiruvannamalai dist, Tamilnadu, India and their associated radiation hazards. International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 14(S1), 2016, 235-240 ISSN 0972-768X.
- Y Raghu, R Ravisankar, A Chandrasekararn, P Vijayagopal, B Venkatraman 2016. Measurement of natural gamma radiation in building materials from Thellar of Tiruvannamalai Dist, Tamilnadu, India by gamma ray spectrometry, Proceedings of the international conference on radiological safety in workplace, nuclear facilities and environment: book of abstracts 47 (35) 287 p, IARPIC-2016
- Raghu, Y., Ravisankar, R. 2015. Assessment of natural radioactivity and associated radiation hazards in some building materials used in Kilpennathur, Tiruvannamalai District, Tamilnadu, India. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1675 (1), 020047
- Raghu, A.Chandrasekaran R.Ravisankar, 2015. Assessment of natural radioactivity and associated radiation hazards in some building materials used in Kadaladi, International Journal of Frontiers in Science and Technology.ISSN2321–04943(3) 143-152.
- Raghu, Y., Harikrishnan, N., Chandrasekaran, A., Ravisankar, R. 2015. Assessment of Natural Radioactivity and Associated Radiation Hazards in Some Building Materials Used in Kilpennathur, Tiruvannamalai Dist, Tamilnadu, India. African Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences. 7, (1), 16-25.
- Raghu, Y., Chandrasekaran, A., Harikrishnan, N., Ravisankar, R. 2015. Study on Activity concentration of Natural Radionuclides of Building Materials in Pachal, Tiruvannamalai District, Tamilnadu, India. Journal of Environment & Health Sciences. 1(1) 1-5.
- Raghu, A.Chandrasekaran, N.Harikrishnan, R.Ravisankar, B Govardhanan, 2014. Measurement of natural radioactivity in building materials in Pachal, Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, Proceedings on radiation dosimetry 47 (1), 20 – 24, OCT-2014.
- Raghu, Y. Harikrishnan, N., Chandrasekaran, A, Ravisankar, R. 2014. The natural radioactivity of some building materials used in Sathanoor, Tiruvannamalai Dist, Tamilnadu, India. Sciencia Acta Xaveriana. 5, (1), 59-74.
- Ravisankar R. Raghu, Y., Chandramohan, J., Vijayagopal, P., Venkatraman, B. 2014. Multivariate statistical analysis of radiological data of building materials used in Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu., India. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 85, 114-127.
- Senthilkumar, G., Raghu, Y., Sivakumar, S., Chandrasekaran, A., Prem Anand, D., Ravisankar, R. 2014. Natural radioactivity measurement and evaluation of radiological hazards in some commercial flooring materials used in Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, India, Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences. 7, (1), 116-122.
- Suresh Gandhi, M., Ravisankar, R., Sivakumar, S., Raghu, Y., Prem Anand, D. 2013. Gamma ray Spectrometric analysis of coastal sediment samples along north east coast of Tamilnadu. Scienica Acta Xaveriana. 4(2), 21-28.
- R Ravisankar, Naseerutheen, A, Chandrasekaran, A, Y Raghu, MVR Prasad, KK Satpathy, 2012. Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis of ancient potteries in and around Arcot city, Tamilnadu, India Proceedings of the nineteenth national symposium on radiation physics. 2012. 44 (30) 293 – 295.
- Sivakumar, S., Ravisankar, R., Raghu, Y., Chandrasekaran, A., Chandramohan, J. 2012. FT-IR spectroscopic studies of coastal sediment samples from Cuddalore dist, Tamilnadu, India Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science. 1, 40-46.
- R Ravisankar, A Chandrasekaran, Y Raghu, S Sivakumar, J Chandramohan, P Vijayagopal, B Venkatraman 2012. Measurement of natural radioactivity in common building materials used around the Tiruvannamalai city, Tamilnadu, India Proceedings of the international conference on radiation environment – assessment, measurement and its impact: abstract and souvenir P-170 (42) – TRN: IN1301096066635
- Ravisankar, R., Raghu, Y., Chandrasekaran, A., Vijayagopal, P., Venkatraman. B. 2012. Gamma ray spectroscopic analysis of building materials used in Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, India AIP Conference Proceedings 1447, 529 (2012).
- Ravisankar, R., Chandrasekaran, A., Kiuba, S., Raghu, Y., Prasad, M.V.R., Satpathy, K.K., Maheswaran, C. 2011. Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis of Ancient Pottery of Tamilnadu, Archives of Applied Science and Research. 3(1), 289-296.
Will be updated Soon…!
- Department of Science and Humanities has organized a workshop on “Industry Expectation and Students readiness” on 18-11-22.
- Department of Science and Humanities arranged Industrial Visit for the First year students of B.E & B.Tech on 10-11-22, 15-11-22, 16-11-22 and 17-11-22.
- Department of Science and Humanities has organized “YOGA DAY” for the First year of B.E & B.Tech students on 09-11-22.
- Department of Science and Humanities has organized an awareness programme on “Ethical Hacking” on 26-10-22.
- Department of Science and Humanities has organized Induction programmes for the First year of B.E & B.Tech students on 22-09-22, 29-09-22 and 13-10-22.
- Department of Science and Humanities has organized an Induction programme on “Traffic Rules” on 21-09-22.
- Department of Science and Humanities has organized “The Fresher’s Day” on 14-09-2022” for the First year of B.E & B.Tech students.
- Department of Science and Humanities has organized “Orientation Programme” through online on 29-08-22, 30-08-22, 01-09-22, 06-09-22, 07-09-22 and 09-09-22.
- Department of Science and Humanities has organized symposium “DEXAS 2K 22” on 18-06-22.
- Department of Science and Humanities has organized Quiz competition for the first year students on 07-05-22.
- Department of Science and Humanities has organized Guest Lectures for the First year of B.E & B.Tech students.
- Department of Science and Humanities has organized “MINIST 2022 OUR BUDDING INVENTORS” Science Exhibition on 18-02-22.
- Department of Science and Humanities has organized a National Conference on “Emerging Techniques in Science and Humanities” on 16-12-21 and 17-12-21.
1 | CY3151 | ENGINEERING-CHEMISTRY | Click Here |
2 | HS3152 | PROFESSIONAL-ENGLISH-I | Click Here |
3 | MA3151 | MATRICES-CALCULUS | Click Here |
4 | PH3151 | ENGINEERING-PHYSICS | Click Here |